1.Valid passport, visa and medical insurance for the period the trip. Citizens of the European Union may travel to the countries of the European Union with a national identity card only. For countries where visa is required, you may get information from the consult offices in the specific countries.

2.For the travel of underage Bulgarian citizens without one or both parents, a power of attorney

3.The airlines and bus carriers shall provide the holder of a valid ticket the transportation of the passenger and its personal luggage to the pointed route. Additional luggage could be included in the basic price or it could be extra paid according to the travel conditions and baggage fees of the

4.In case of cancellations, re-checks or refusals of travel, penalties shall be deducted from the total ticket price, in accordance with the travel conditions. The term for refunding of the sums which are concerned to be refunded is up to 45 calendar days.

5.The validity of the two-way tickets is up to 12 months. The bidirectional tickets may have fixed date or they may have non-fixed (open) date. Tickets without fixed travel dates are subject to validation at the airline offices, at the offices of the agencies where the ticket was issued, at bus carriers offices or at its authorized agencies, and only when there are vacancies the passenger is guaranteed to travel.

6.The travel agencies, airlines and bus carriers are not responsible for passports, visa and custom irregularities of the passengers, as well as for the Life Insurance and Medical Insurance insurances required for travelling abroad.

7.Passengers are financially responsible for the damages caused to the airplanes and buses personally by them or by an underage member of their families.

8.Claims are accepted within 5 days from the date of the event, in written form at the offices of airlines, bus carriers or on their Internet sites.




1. Signing up for an organized trip is certified by signing an Organized Travel Contract between the Travel Agency (Touragant) which represents the specific Tour Operator and the client (tourist), and also by depositing a concrete sum the amount of which depends on the conditions of the particular trip.

2. Request for reservation could be made by phone, e-mail, internet or in our office. After confirmation of the reservation, an Organized Travel Contract should be signed and a deposit should be made, the amount of which depends on the conditions of the particular trip.

3. In case the client is acting bad and does not pay the due amounts within the specified time limits, the Touragant (the Tour Operator) has the right to cancel the Contract unilateral without bearing any responsibility.

4. The payments made by the client are certified by a document issued by the Touragent (Tour Operator).

5. In case of cancellation of the trip and termination of the contract by the client, the Tour Operator should refund the sum paid for the trip by deducting penalties, the value of which is determined by the conditions of the trip, specified in the Contract.

6. In case the trip cannot be realized because of lack of signed passengers, the Tour Operator is obligated to inform the signed passengers by the help of the people who had signed the contract, within 7 (seven) days before the beginning of the planned trip.

7. If necessary, the tour operator and also the tour guide, have the right to make changes in the journey schedule (days and hours), without changing it in general.

8. The published prices are in BGN or in EUR and must be paid in BGN at the BNB exchange rate on the day of payment. The tour operator is entitled to a increase the price if necessary.

9. The tourists must have a valid passport, visa and medical insurance for the period of the travel. Citizens of the European Union may travel to the countries of the European Union with a national identity card only. For countries where visa is required, you may get information from the consult offices in the specific countries

10. For travel of underage Bulgarian citizens without one or both parents, a power of attorney (declaration) is required by one or both parents.

11. All tourists are provided with medical insurance for their stay abroad. The medical insurance does not cover an insurance events which are result of chronic illnesses, any kinds of dental services, as well as health damages of the insured person due to the use of alcohol or other narcotic substances.

12. The Tour operators and the tour guides are not responsible for passports, visa and custom irregularities of the passengers, for lost or stollen items or tourists' documents, as well as for the consequences of non-respecting the legislation of the visited country.

13. In case of damages caused by a particular tourist or by a group of tourists to the hotel base, buses, airplanes, cruise ships or third parties, the perpetrator bears all responsibility for his / her deeds. The damages must be compensated immediately by the offender.

14. The Tour operators are not responsible for any circumstances beyond their control which cause changes in the program and also for force majeure events (natural disasters, hostilities, mass protests, strikes, etc.) that hinder the conducting of the particular trip.

15. Claims are accepted within 5 days from the date of occurrence of the event. Claims should be submitted in written form at the Tour Operator's office.